CAL S.p.A.

Since 2007 CAL has been carrying out the functions of Grantor for the construction of three new motorways: A35 (BreBeMi), A36 (Pedemontana) and A58 (TEEM).

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Concessioni Autostradali Lombarde S.p.A. is an Italian Company created to operate in the concession management sector of motorway sections. 

CAL possesses all the qualities and prerogatives of the Granting Body and takes care, with the powers of grantor and adjudicator transferred by ANAS SpA, of the award procedures, construction and management of three important motorways located in Lombardy: the Pedemontana Lombarda, the Brescia-Bergamo-Milan direct route (BreBeMi) and the East Milan outer ring road (TEEM).

CAL is owned 50% by ANAS and 50% by ARIA SpA (100% Regione Lombardia).


Established on 1 July 2019  by Regional Law n° 6/2019, the Company descendes from the merger of 3 previous companies of Regione Lombardia, with total public participation:

Arca SpA: Central Purchasing and Aggregating Entity of Lombardy;

Lombardia Informatica SpA: Digital Company and driver of technological growth of the Lombardy Regional System;

Infrastrutture Lombarde SpA (from 1 July 2020): Development and coordination of strategic projects for the construction of the most important infrastructural works in Lombardy.


ANAS (acronym for National Authority for the Roads) is an Italian joint stock Company, which joined the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane corporate group in January 2018.



Concessioni Autostradali Lombarde S.p.A. is a company with share capital equally owned by ARIA SpA and ANAS SpA, established in implementation of law no. 26 of 27th december 2006.
From the beginnig, CAL has been involved in the planning of interventions in relation with the territories and administrations concerned, the concession agreements, the monitoring relating to the development and approval of the various project phases, the supervision of the construction of the works and on testing, opening to traffic and operation of the three motorways of which it is the grantor, thus playing a fundamental and decisive role in relation above all to compliance with the timing and costs of implementation, always pursuing quality standards of absolute excellence in the Italian motorway panorama.
The Company has as its object the fulfillment of all activities, deeds and relationships inherent directly and indirectly to the exercise of the functions and powers of the grantor and adjudicator transferred by ANAS SpA for the construction of the “Pedemontana Lombarda” motorway,the  direct Brescia– Milano motorway “Brebemi”, and the Milan external ring roads “TEM”. The Company took over all the active and passive legal situations relating to these motorway infrastructures in existence at the date of its establishment.

The Company is managed by a Board of Directors, made up of five members. It is appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting, it is entrusted with the management of the Company.
The Board, if the Assembly has not done so, elects a President. He has powers of representation of the Company and holds institutional relations that are not relevant to the ordinary activities of the Company; he chairs the Shareholders’ Meeting, convenes and chairs the Board of Directors. Furthermore, he verifies the implementation of the resolutions of the Board of Directors and submits to the Board the approval of the strategic guidelines of the Company’s activity.
The Board of Directors delegates to a Chief Executive Officer the performance of all acts of ordinary and extraordinary administration relating to the execution of the corporate activity, not reserved for the Chairman and the Board of Directors pursuant to the law and the Articles of Association, as well as all organizational and / or management measures deemed necessary, useful and / or appropriate for the pursuit of the corporate purpose. For the exercise of the powers delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, the company is legally represented.

The Board of Statutory Auditors exercises the supervisory function referred to in Article 2403 of the Italian Civil Code; it is made up of three members: the Chairman and two alternate auditors.

The accounting control on the company is exercised by an auditing firm registered in the register instituted at the Ministry of Justice, from 1 January 2008. In fact, the accounting control relating to the first year of the financial year is carried out by the board of statutory auditors.


CAL yesterday and today


CAL yesterday and today

In carrying out its duties (sanctioned by Article 2 of the “Recognition Act” signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and CAL), in recent years, CAL has carried out its activity as a public client of the works by applying the scheme of active monitoring of the approval and implementation processes typical of Project & Construction Management (P&CM).

In the year of CAL’s establishment, the three motorways could only count on a preliminary project approved by the CIPE, with concession agreements and financial plans to be defined or revised. To date, approximately 136 km of new motorways have been built, as well as 110 km of ordinary roads and compensatory works, for a value of more than 4.5 billion euros. A public investment of this magnitude, without equal coverage in public finance, was made possible thanks to the instrument of Project Financing. The entire A35 Brebemi motorway (5 years of work: 2009-2014), the A58 TEEM (3 years of work: 2012-2015) and, for now, 30% of the Pedemontana Lombarda motorway were built and opened for operation. (6 years of works 2010-2016), which will be completed by 2024. To date the public resources used, in the form of capital grants, Cuban about 1.5 billion euros (30% of the value of the works).

From the point of view of skills, CAL can rely on a very high level of internal staff, characterized by specialized and trained professionals, by qualified theoretical and field technicians, by dedicated site resources, a team able to analyze, schematize, engineer and solve everyday issues. The CAL structure is organized in a hierarchical way, clear and functional to the activities to be carried out each; employee knows who to report to and from whom to receive input and the flow of instructions is preordained and controlled, with the aim of guaranteeing accuracy, ordering and functionality.

Thanks to these peculiarities, in the panorama of infrastructural operators with territorial competence, CAL stands out for efficiency and for the ability to respond in a personalized way to the specific needs of contractual partners, end users and the territory.


CAL tomorrow, aspiration


CAL tomorrow, aspiration

in the future of CAL, the priorities are still the same: the statutory purposes and the completion of the construction of the Pedemontana Lombarda motorway which, with its benefits extended to all traffic flows with an east-west direction in the Milan area, is configured as an intervention capable of to radically change the quality of regional transport and, in this sense, it cannot fail to play a central role in the corporate objectives.

This is accompanied by the desire to expand the activity to be carried out in collaboration with local authorities to become, in the world of transport infrastructures and road connections, one of the reference points at the regional level, as a subject capable of guaranteeing realization of the works in compliance with the times and costs, using for the purpose an efficient management of the authorization processes, a capillary resolution of conflicts, a constant dialogue to seek consensus with the territories, an optimization of the use of public economic resources.

The starting point for achieving this goal are the Collaboration Agreements pursuant to art. 5 paragraph 6 of Legislative Decree 50/2016. Thanks, in fact, to the signing of these Agreements with new institutional partners, agreements aimed exclusively at the realization of works of a public nature of common interest to all the subscribing parties, CAL has the opportunity to direct its strategic decisions towards the extension of the ” corporate activity to infrastructural interventions of various kinds, with extensive tasks, declined in all the construction phases: planning, executive and management.

The activities covered by the Collaboration Agreements are part of a more extensive plan, aimed at the realization of the public interest common to all the Parties, which is identified in the completion of the Program of interventions of the Lombardy Region on the regional infrastructural network, through a effective and efficient of new works and the upgrading of existing ones, in compliance with the statutory purposes of each of the Parties themselves.

In order to achieve its objectives, CAL intends to continue to apply the virtuous cycle of continuous improvement to the specific processes of its activity as a Granting Body, an intent which, in practice, translates into a constant tension towards increasing its “level of service”, intended as the synergistic set of one’s abilities, skills, technical and legal experiences, and therefore, ultimately, to the increase in the overall quality level of the service provided.

An important goal to be achieved always bearing in mind the final purpose of the CAL activity which is to increase and improve the possibility for road infrastructure users to move around the region on a network that guarantees the highest possible level of safety and functionality.

Last but not least, in line with the current national and European guidelines, now even more reinforced, CAL aims to promote sustainability in all its meanings with growing strength and conviction, starting with the environmental one, passing through the corporate and social one, to also guarantee the economic one.

It is a vision of the future that can only be best achieved with the professional and collective contribution of the people who work in CAL. For this reason, those who work in CAL, and often find themselves carrying out intangible and barely codified activities, are required to have strong mental agility, versatility, spirit of adaptation and the ability to quickly cope with sudden and unexpected working conditions and provide comprehensive, formally correct and practically achievable answers in real time.

The keywords for CAL and its employees are versatility and efficiency.

To improve further, CAL must aim to be increasingly agile, adaptable, technological, smart, but at the same time remain rigorous and highly professional, able to provide a first-rate collaborative response, concrete and characterized by a proactive approach.

The CAL of tomorrow will invest more and more in the ability of its human resources to cope with constantly evolving operational activities, and will encourage them to be increasingly effective and proactive, because it is aware that its human resources are the fuel that powers the production engine of Society.


the basics of CAL


the basics of CAL

Professional ethics. CAL promotes formal correctness and action, professional morality, responsibility and awareness.

Fairness. CAL believes in and pursues transparent management, the good use of public economic resources, and acts in accordance with social rules and with moral rectitude.

Legality. CAL favors and promotes the adoption of specific anti-corruption measures throughout the structure.

Ethics. CAL intends to create long-term value for the community and share it with its partner local authorities, through an active commitment to the improvement, usability, safety, sustainability and development of the regional infrastructure network.

The competence. CAL chooses as its collaborators competent, prepared, experienced people with strong interpersonal skills and excellent skills and technical knowledge.

Respect for the environment and the territory. CAL pursues and promotes constant attention to the environment, aware of the decisive role it plays in the first person in the production and management chain of public works and of its function as a subject acting in the name of public bodies and, as such, jointly responsible for safeguarding and guarantee the protection of the territory and the environment.

The security. CAL recognizes the safety of end users and of its collaborators in carrying out the functions of competence as a central element of company life and is committed to the continuous improvement of standards and to the dissemination of the key principles in terms of health and safety of workers among its resources.

The diversity of people. CAL intends to enhance human capital according to merit criteria, professional skills, fairness of behavior, honesty and trust, also promoting an inclusive work environment open to diversity.

Teamwork. The sense of belonging, courage and intellectual curiosity inspire CAL in its way of being and identify the people CAL selects and wants to work with.

Flexibility. CAL is a company with a workforce of 35 people, therefore necessarily agile and essential: due to this intrinsic characteristic, it requires its employees to be increasingly flexible in covering roles and tasks within the company and a growing responsibility the need to bring together multiple roles for the same professional figure.

Identification. Given what it asks of its employees, CAL firmly believes in recognizing the commitment and results achieved.

The technological update. CAL constantly promotes and pursues the updating of the tools and technological knowledge used to carry out the activities, in line with the technological evolution in place and with the planned process of reform of the Public Administration that is more current than ever.

Corporate cohesion. CAL recognizes the corporate cohesion between the values ​​to be promoted and in which to invest, since this ability of the group to retain its members (based on common ideas, personal relationships, leadership, rewards) is the key to maintaining the efficient functioning of its organizational structure .

Organizational agility. CAL believes in increasing the efficiency of operational processes and simplifying the way of working, so much so that it constantly strives to disseminate the principle of organizational agility and increase the timeliness of the reactions of its structure.

If the principles described up to here are the inspiring ideals, the practical translation into the world of the reality of these principles takes place through the declination of CAL’s policy and of those that CAL considers the goals to be achieved and the effective actions to be taken to achieve them.










Concessioni Autostradali Lombarde S.p.A. is a company with share capital equally owned by ARIA and ANAS, established in implementation of the provisions of paragraph 979 of the single article of law no. 26.






















IPB - Cooperation agreement RL-CAL



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